Finally, a QUALITY product with QUALITY service at a QUALITY price
For years, Akron’s Finest Mulch has been providing quality products and services to our customers in Akron and Northeast Ohio. We take great pride in providing superior mulch that’s made with organic materials and is double- and triple-shredded, spreading easily and covering more ground than other standard mulch. We also use only organic dyes, for mulch that’s non-toxic and eco-friendly. And we offer convenient, same-day delivery for a flat-rate price, regardless of size.
The city of Barberton has a history that is unique among Ohio cities. It was established in 1891, at the height of the state's industrial development, as a planned industrial community. Situated within easy reach of canal, river and railroad, the new town was located just seven miles southwest of Akron. Utilizing a natural glacial lake as its focal point, Barberton's founders laid out streets and lots for an attractive community of homes, churches, schools, and commercial buildings, and established many of the industries required to sustain it. A downtown developed, homes were constructed for businessmen and factory workers, churches and schools were built, and the city grew into an important industrial center of northeastern Ohio.